Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Great Percussion Site!

Do you want to become a percussionist?  Do you NOT have the money to seek a private tutor?  Well, don't despair!!  There is a wonderful site my "band" teacher told me about called www.vicfirth.com/education/ that is your complete guide to being a great percussionist!! I know for me, at least, it is a life-saver, as I aspire one day to be a percussionist in the honors band group in my school.  In order to achieve that, though, I'd have to know how to play percussion instruments besides the marimba.  So I've started taking notes on various instruments- here's a couple of Did You Knows? for the week:

Did you know?  A gong has a definite pitch, whether as a tam-tam does not.

Did you know? You only play on one side of a concert bass drum- the other side is the resonant side and should be tuned lower than the beating side.

Did you know?  Jingles made out of tin on a tambourine will not produce the right sound in a concert setting.

1 comment:

  1. This right here is INITIATIVE, at least in my opinion. You're reading up on band instruments and learning about it even though you don't take band.
