Sunday, October 25, 2009

Got Science?

Need a topic for current events? I found this insanely amusing (although I have no idea why).

Clean Smells Promote Moral Behavior
Here are some questions that I had when I read it:
Why do clean smells promote moral behavior?
How did anyone seriously consider doing this experiment in the first place?
If humans were made by nature, then where's the Windex in nature?
If you need help with your "opinion," here are some suggestions:

  1. Do you agree that clean smells (or Windex) make you behave better? If it were me, and I was sitting in a room full of Windex, I'd be rather irritated because artificial smells like Windex and perfume make my nose feel funny.

  2. Why would clean smells make people behave better? It doesn't have to be a serious or correct explanation, it's just what you think. Of course, if it were me, I'd say that.... never mind.

    Just to make this clear, this article is for people to use for their current events. In other words, I was too lazy to type up my opinion and a summary and all of that for this article, but it was too interesting to pass by. (Okay, okay, it was really because Sunnyd asked me to, but I was lazy too!) It's relatively easy to relate to, doesn't have a whole lot of neurology or the stuff that I usually like, and invites those "Ooh, once there was this time when..." kind of stories that are great for supporting your opinion and connecting them to real life. This is not one of my current events articles, it's for you.

    I'm not going to elaborate on these links in great detail, but I'msure someone will be interested in these:
Professor Sees 70 Percent Chance For Yankees to Win 2009 World Series
(Sorry, kokopelli1015) For those baseball (it is baseball, right? Not football?) fans. I didn't even try to make any sense of it.
Changes In Brain Chemicals Mark Shifts In Infant Learning
This has to do with the Maslow that we're learning about in Social Studies. Quite interesting.
Science Articles
I generally go on this website (that's where all of these articles are from) for news. There is an overwhelming amount of articles here on many, many branches of science, so looking here is a surefire way to get a good article.

1 comment:

  1. i saw this one at science daily too but i decided i liked the 1 i did better so i chose tht 1.
