Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome To February!

...and the beginning of my new "stress-free living" campaign! To jump start the new month, I want to give everyone some blogging tips!

Labels: Yeah, those little things that says "science"? Those are called labels. It's a great organizing tool, especially if you have a lot of posts. Basically, what you do is assign labels to your posts (in either the post editor or while you're composing it next to "labels for this post:"). Then, you go into gadgets and find the labels gadget and presto! You've got a little er, thingy in your sidebar that lists all your labels. If you click on one (go ahead, click on a label on my blog), then it'll show all the posts with that label (of course, you have to give your posts a label first). Speaking of labels, just as a heads up to any teachers, my science homework assignments should be under "Science Class" and Literature stuff is under "Literature." I'll make labels accordingly for any other assignments (otherwise even I won't be able to find it!)

Gadgets: There are some really neat and fun gadgets that I'd reccomend you check out. If you ever feel bored, there are a lot of gadget games, quotes, and other neat stuff. For a blog, though, besides the fish, there are some cute hamster gadgets, a cat gadget, and a penguin gadget (just search it up) that I think are really cute to put on a blog.

Also coming up: Themed question boxes! Possibly... If so, then some themes would probably be everyday life, physics, medical stuff, and food! Any themes that you want?

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