Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pippin's Question Box

How do monkeys keep their hair short? Best


  1. Hey Pippin!

    This had me stumped for a while - nothing popped up to mind until I thought of the most obvious way. Monkeys shed their fur! Actually, all animals shed their fur - even humans! They just shed it in different ways (snakes shed their skin periodically, we lose skin cells, dogs leave fur all around your home). Monkeys do the same thing - the forest is probably covered in their fur! Of course, they don't always shed the same way, since some monkeys have longer and shaggier hair. Still, they do it sometimes, so it still counts. So, there's your answer Pippin... monkeys keep their hair short by shedding it!

    Read first sentence's-shed
    I'm not sure if this would count... but just incase!

  2. Pippin's Question Box

    How Do Monkeys Keep Their Hair Short?

    Well, Pippin, for starters, not all monkeys have short hair. The White Faced Saki (it's a real species) can have hair grow to the length of 30-50 centimeters. The monkey's coarse fur is slicked down, of course, so you can't see the full length by looking at a picture.

    And for the monkeys that do have short fur, it's because they shed, and the fur doesn't grow as fast as our hair grows. We ( humans) lose 100 hairs per day! That's why 4 months after you cut your hair in layers, you don't have the same layers just a little longer. As the monkeys shed, new fur grows in its place, and they lose that fur, and so on. At first , I was very intrigued by this question, but now that I know the answer is so simple, it makes me think that not everything has to be complicated.


    ~Saffire Goldstone- remember to post as a comment as well!
