Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pippin's Question Box

Why are we told to sit upright on roller coasters? (and what happens if we don't?) Best


  1. HEY Pippin!

    I had a slight problem. I posted my question kind of late and only when i was half way through it i realized i put it on my account again! I AM SOO SORRY!
    I will post it as a comment next time.
    I actually posted it fine but i added more and added a link.
    Again, SORRY!

    :) smile4evah

  2. I didn't answer this question at all from personal experiance(I have a fear of roller coasters) but I answered this question to the best of my ability.

    You are told to sit upright on roller coasters because when you are on a roller coaster, you are subjected to G-forces. G-forces are experienced by an object and its acceleration relative to free-falling. If you sit up-right, then these forces are spread evenly throughout your body even though you feel the forces.

    When you're sitting up on the seat of the roller coaster it is the stablest thing on the roller coaster and it represents the real ground, that force of gravity is still there but you're body is resisting it. When you're going down a roller coaster, you start to fall out of your seat and you're accelerating with gravity instead of resisting against the force. Since your body is not used to this feeling, you basically enter into a very short period of near free-fall.


  3. This answer wasn't that surprising to me. I found out that when you are on a rollercoaster, you are "subjected" to G-forces. If you sit upright, the force spreads evenly through your body. If there was a sharp turn ahead and you hang your head down, the force causes the force needed to pull your ahead to increase. If your head weighs an amount, A, and the g-force is another amount, B, the force needed to pull your head up would be AB or A*B.

    This is the link I got this information from:

  4. We are told to sit upright on roller coasters due to G-forces. The G-force on something is its acceleration relative to free-fall. So when you are sitting up right, then the force is spread evenly throughout your body. For instance, when your head is hanging down, the even weight will still keep you up. And if not, the weight won't be even causing you to fall without a seatbelt. That is why it's essential to sit up right on roller coasters!!!




  5. We were told to sit upright on roller coasters because when the roller coaster starts, g-forces act on our stomach and body. As the acceleration increases, at the same time our weight changes too. Sometimes you feel no weight.
    But when you let go of the safety bars, then you'll just lift up. I guess if you don't sit upright nothing happens because when you get on the roller coaster, all that you have to hold onto is the safety bars.


    (not sure if this is the answer)

  6. The reason why people should sit upright on roller coasters is because of the G forces exerted from the roller coaster ride itself. If you sit upright on a roller coaster, than the G forces exerted from the roller coaster will be evenly spread throughout your body.Say you decided to put your head down while on a roller coaster,you would feel an increase in the weight on your head. If you were not to sit upright on a roller coaster, I'm sure nothing serious would happen except for a little dizzyness from the turns and hills.

    Also, did you know that Kingda Ka is the fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world, and it is located right here in New Jersey. This roller coaster is supposed to have alot of G forces. It's alot the scariest roller coaster in he world, my mom went on it to prove it to me.

    Here are my sources where I got my information from:

    Here's a really cool link I found on youtube of the front row of Kingda Ka.

  7. We are told to sit up right on a roller coaster because of the possible injuries. The human neck is not strong enough to withstand g-forces beyond a certain amount. If your head is not up right there is a chance of getting wiplash. A wiplash is a range of injuries in the neck. Scince there is a chance of a painful side-effect we are given this safety rule.


  8. When you are on a roller coaster, you are experiencing G forces. If you are sitting upright, then the G forces are then evenly spread throughout your body, but if you are up side down, then all on the G forces go to your head, which is very dangerous for your brain.
