Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pippin's Question Box

Could someone get drunk by walking into a room full of alcohol fumes? Best


  1. This was a very hard question to answer, which took me a while to figure out, but finally after doing my research I found a few helpful websites that I could use to put together the pieces of this question. For starters, if you were to walk into a room full of alcohol fumes you could only get drunk if there was enough fumes to get you drunk. In order for you to become drunk you would need an extreme amount of fumes to be inhailed through your lungs and go into your blood stream. The substance that would be in the alcohol to get you drunk is called Ethanol. Ethanol is an alcohol obtained from sugars and starches or by chemical synthsis, also an intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages. Ethanol is also called Ethyl Alcohol, and Grain Alcohol. In short, Ethanol is a high toxic substance that gets people drunk. If you were to walk into a room with a low level of alcohol and Ethanol you would not get drunk, but you may feel a little dizzy after staying in the room for a while. To sum it up, yes you can get drunk from walking into a room full of alcohol fumes, but only if there is enough of it.

    Here are the sources I found my infomation from:



  2. This question was a little confusing. Getting drunk by walking into a room full of alcohol fumes really depends. First, how strong is the alcohol? If it is very strong, then it definitely is possible to get drunk. Although alcohol isn't an inhalant, taking a few whiffs of it is still harmful. But the main question is, if you're walking into the room, are you directly inhaling the alcohol fumes? If you are, then it's very easy to get drunk because the alcohol is delivered into your bloodstream directly from the lungs. This is because the alcohol fumes are inhaled by your lungs, and delivered to your bloodstream with the oxygen. Breathing in the fumes can definitely allow big amounts of alcohol to enter the body.

    I got my information from:;_ylt=An9F.49DXdAXODurLO4M5zd66xR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080608072225AATU1JJ

  3. Yes, it is possible to get drunk by walking into a room full of alcohol fumes. It depends on how strong the fumes are. If the alcoholic beverage is warm, the fumes will spread due to the warmness. Though, generally, it is very hard to get drunk of off alcohol fumes. It is more likely that you will get light-headed or dizzy. However, if someone tries hard enough, they can get drunk because the fumes can and do raise blood alcohol levels, as a research in Germany shows. The fumes go from the lungs to the blood to the brain. However, it is not very comfortable to the lungs, which is why most people prefer to drink it.


  4. What a funny question! Pippin where do you come up with these ideas?!

    It took a lot of internet serching but this is my answer! Anyway yes you can get drunk by inhaling alcohol fumes. Smelling alcoholic beverages will not get you drunk quickly but it will get you drunk all the same. When breathing in a large amount of the fumes, the alcohol will enter you lungs and, from there, the blood stream along with oxygen, which will eventually get you drunk. Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol is the intoxicating drug inside of alcohol. Ethanol fumes, when taken into the lungs, will pass into the bloodstream and get to the brain which can get you high.

