Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Got Science?

I know this is a little off topic, but I was just thinking about the possibility of civilizations before us and aliens. I know it's improbable for intelligent life to develop before us, but if it did happen, would there even be evidence? Take for instance, our society. We use all sorts of materials that last a loonnngg time, so people can dig up artifacts from, say, the Native Americans of long ago. However, everything that we've done is incredibly small compared to the Earth's history- we've only been around for, say, a million or so years while the Earth's been around for about 4.6 billion years (and correct me if I'm wrong). Also, even though the stuff we make may last a long time, I don't think that 500 million years from now, it would still be here. Even glass, which lasts a long time, will only last one million years: compare that to the dinosaurs of 200 million years ago. So if there was, say, really smart dinosaurs, would there be any evidence to prove it? Especially if those really smart dinosaurs were smart enough to dispose of their waste properly.

The answer to the question this week: quite simply, we can't tickle ourselves because it isn't a surprise. Our brain can anticipate our own movements (what a shocker), so when we tickle ourselves, we don't get that panicky feeling that causes the being-tickled reaction. After all, it's only yourself, so your brain doesn't raise a fuss.

Now, one last announcement: there MAY be a special luncheon or lab for the TOP TEN answerer's of the question box. Things considered: how many times you answered and the quality of your answers. When the final details of the special luncheon or lab are determined, then the list of winners will be compiled and posted on the blog- so keep on answering!

awesome_spectacular's comments: Great job this week- we got a lot of answers. The quality of the answers is way improving! About Pippin's comments on the aliens and stuff (way off topic!), I think that you're right about the glass lasting only about probably a million years. Not all resources last forever because some resources are renewal and others are non renewal (hint! hint! S.S.!) I feel that even the renewable stuff we make may last a really really long time, but I don't really think it could last forever. I guess I got off topic too! Anyway, you guys are doing a awesome job, so just keep answering!

1 comment:

  1. Well honey lasts forever...
