Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pippin's Question Box

If you had to pick a science career, what would you choose?


  1. If I had to choose a science career, I would be a brain surgeon for many reasons. First, I would like to be a brain surgeon because it seems complicated, yet fun. Next, I get to see a real living brain and discover the parts of a brain including the cerebellum, which I had learned in the previous question box. Lastly, I would like to become a brain surgeon because it offers good pay and I could save dozens of lives per month.

  2. Hello. I've never really put much thought into a career,but since it has came up, I would say that I would like to be a zoologist. A zoologist deals with the study of animals, their structure, and development. The reason why I would pick a career as a zoologist is because I really do like animals.

    I always wanted to learn more about animals, so I did a little research and found out that the best school for me to go to is Michigan State College in Michigan. There are alot of schools out there for people who want to pursuit a career as a zoologist, but I picked this one because state colleges can always be more helpful for some odd reason. Well that would conclude what science career I would like to pursuit when I grow up.

    Here are the links where I got my information from (Definitions, Colleges)

  3. Uh...Pippin some of your gadgets aren't working...but that's not what I wanted to comment about!

    If I had to pick a science career, I would want to be a pathologist! (that's when you perform autopsies on bodies) I would pick this job in science because I think that it would be interesting to see what causes death in others so that we may be able to prevent it from killing others.

    Either that or being a science teacher. Science is fun! ^^

  4. Hello, Pippin. It's been a long time since I've been answering a pippin's question. I just saw the question, so I thought I could answer this question.
    If I had to choose a science career, then I would really don't know what I wold choose because there are a lot of science careers that are really good. This is what I think about this question.
