Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Got Science?

Welcome to the second weekly Got Science? post! Today, we shall look at some rather odd science news worth blogging about (and just in time for that homework assignment too!)

Tick tock, tick tock! We aren't the only ones with clocks, you know. Apparently, they have discovered that hydrogen peroxide could be the main chemical responsible for the rhythms in cells.

Not Just Bleach: Hydrogen Peroxide May Tell Time For Living Cells

Guess what? No matter how many times people say "Don't judge a book by its cover," we seem to anyway! The first one is about how we make judgements about people just by looking at them (or their photo). The second is about how if your teacher ruins his/her first impression(s), there's not much they can do to make up for it. Kind of sad, if you ask me. I know a friend who thinks a really great teacher I know is really mean because the teacher slammed the door once quite hard and tore some person's packet in half (although that person wasn't innocent in any way). I'd suggest you blog these two together because they are related and the first one provides good info and the second is easy to relate to.

First Impressions Count When Making Personality Judgments, New Research Shows

Poor Start Between A Class And Its Teacher Almost Impossible To Rectify

In physics, the ultimate speed limit is the speed of light. Apparently, there seems to be a speed limit for evolution as well. This relates well to what we're learning in class, so if you want something like that, then this would be the one for you.
Speed Limit To The Pace Of Evolution, Biologists Say

Does anyone get irritated at those stickers on fruit that you have to take off before you eat it? Has anyone eaten one of those by accident? (I haven't... yet) Now there seems to be a sticker-free and approved alternative to labeling grapefruit: lasers! Completely random if you ask me, but I suppose that there are scientists and companies out there that just can't stand stickers.

Laser Etching Safe Alternative For Labeling Grapefruit

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