Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Got Science?

Happy Turkey Day, everyone! Here are some holiday themed articles for your pleasure:

Splurging a little too much on Black Friday? A bigger Thanksgiving dinner can remedy that.

Pig out More at Thanksgiving and You May Shop Less

I only got to skim this (and most of the other articles) quickly, but it seems as though there is a specific molecule that says, "I'm full! No more turkey for me!"

Brain Sense Fatty Food: Molecule Shuts Down Food Intake And Turns On 'Siesta Mode'

Hmm... Chugging down your Thanksgiving Dinner seems to a double no-no this holiday season (and at every other instance.)

Eating Quickly Is Associated With Overeating, Study Indicates

What does pie have to do with Powerpoint presentations? I don't know, but this interesting article turned up when I looked up "pie" on science daily. It's holiday related by a stretch, isn't it? (okay, I admit, it isn't, but it's still cool!)

Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?

Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Make sure you eat lots of food!

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