A science-loving high schooler's outlook on science, school, and whatever else comes to mind
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pippin's Question Box
Note: See Question Box FAQ for important info!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Question Box FAQs
I have a feeling that people are a little confused, so here are some things to know (that get messed up).
- Post your answer on your blog
- The labels (the words in parentheses) tell you how to respond. They are independent of each other, meaning that if it says fast, you don't have to type a paragraph, just give an answer and a source. If it says best, type a paragraph and give a source, but you don't have to worry about when you published it (unless you've published it after I've already posted a new question box, in which case any answer will probably be null and void at that point)
- Give a link to vertify your information- I don't know the answers and neither does Sunnyd! (in most cases, that is)
- There is a new one every Wednesday.
- The answers for the old question appear under Got Science? right before the new question box.
Since Sunnyd is a little swamped right now with other stuff on the blogs to grade, I'm going to also ask that you post a comment with a link to your blog if you have an answer. This way, at least for the time being, I can look at the answers and choose the winner and Sunnyd only has to vertify the winner- plus, I've been bugging Sunnyd quite a bit and I've just realized that, an annoyed Sunnyd- well, you know how that is ;) And one last thing: I know this is common sense, but if you want to comment on the Got Science or, for whatever reason, my homework assignment, or anything else, please post the comment on that post, not the question box. After all, it seems rather odd for a comment about (referring to my handy dandy homework assignment) deoxyribonucleic acid to show up on a post about Christmas trees. Don't you agree?
Poll: Would it be easier to post your answer as a comment? Links might be a nuisance, but if you think so, please say so- or if you don't, say why not.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Got Science?
Okay, the last question box: I went and looked it up, and apparently there is a National Christmas Tree Association. According to their "Tree Facts," it can take 4 to 15 years to grow a Christmas tree, but the average time is 7 years. It's actually a really interesting website. According to them, artificial Christmas trees are much worse than real ones. The most interesting (and slightly disturbing) fact from their website is that the first artificial Christmas trees were made by a company that made... toilet bowl brushes! Yes, with the same materials and machinery as well. Puts a whole new light on Christmas trees, doesn't it? I certainly thought of our (artificial) Christmas tree a little differently after that. Very interesting website.
Poll: (well, not really) Which is better: real Christmas trees or fake Christmas Trees? Tell why if you wish as well.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Basic Genetics
Before I start looking at the rest of the website, here are the two (okay, four) interesting things I learned:
Traits are a quality or characteristic that we have, and our combination of different traits makes us unique. We get our traits from our parents, and we will pass them on in our children. While our DNA has instructions for our traits, we can easily have our traits changed by environmental factors. For instance, the "tour" said that our hair color can be changed by sunlight and hair dyes. I never really thought of using sunlight to change your hair color!
Being able to bend your thumb back is called the hitchhiker's thumb allele (uh-LEEL), an allele being a trait. Sadly, even though that ability seems cool, I cannot do bend back my thumb (or curl up my tongue).
When someone has two alleles, like one for a hitchhiker's thumb and one for a straight thumb, they interact. One, the "dominant" trait, dominates over the other one and is what people see (hence the name dominant). The "recessive" trait jumps out your ear, never to be seen again! No, it's still there, it's just, to use their word, "masked" by the other trait. Having two of the same allele for a trait is called homozygous, and having two different ones is called heterozygous. Apparently, traits can also combine, called "incomplete dominance"- so taking a red carnation and a white carnation could make a pink carnation.
When an egg cell and a sperm cell join, they form one cell called a zygote, which has all 46 chromosomes that cells usually have.
I don't quite understand this statement: "Traits influenced by just one gene are rare. These are called 'single gene traits' " Perhaps reading (and watching) some more will provide some enlightenment.Some big words (FYI animefreak44, these are hard to spell, not hard to understand):
DNA= Deoxyribonucleic Acid
The "alphabet" of DNA= A pairs with T, C pairs with G
I must explore the rest of the site, so I'll stop typing now.
EDIT: This assignment still isn't due, so I suppose it's okay to add stuff to it. :)
I haven't looked at everything because I've been spending time practicing piano and generally being lazy, but I did look at some other things.
I think that the extracting DNA experiment is pretty cool. We don't get to do much since the computer does most of it for you, but it made me remember the time when I got to extract DNA in real life (from some type of dried plant, I think) at a museum. The DNA looked like a bunch of white, whispy strands. Considering how small DNA is, I was surprised (well, shocked really) that we could see it at all. Sunnyd, are we going to get to extract DNA?
One of the other activities I tried was Mouse Party, which talked about the effects of drugs on the brain (of mice). The mice were kind of disturbing, but that's what taking bad drugs does to you. Anyway, drugs can really mess up your brain, and the "game" showed how the drugs disrupted certain recepters, causing the effects of the drug.
The last activity I tried had to do with genetic therapy, I believe. It was called Space Doctor, and you had to use gene therapy to treat your patients. I only got to treat one patient before I had to go eat dinner (yes, I'm typing this several days later) but I did get it right on the first try. Apparently, you insert genes into viruses (you have to be careful about the type of virus, though) and the newly-modified virus inserts the gene, or allele (see! I'm using vocabulary! Yay!) into the cell. The pictures of the aliens and their environments aren't that great, but it's certainly a cool activity.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Got Science?
1. Make an infinitely long spinning cylinder. This cylinder will warp space-time with it, so (I believe) every trip around this cylinder will make you go backwards in time. I don't quite get it, but I read it in a book.
2. From the same book, if you wanted to make a time machine, you could: using negative matter and stuff like that, make two... er... capsules (hard to explain and I read this book a long time ago) and string a wormhole between them (good luck doing that). Then, put one of them on a ship and send that ship zooming off at the speed of light. Time will go differently in each one, and so going in one capsule will send you back in time to the time when it was created (I'm not sure what is which).
3. Going at the speed of light will "stop" time for you, and time slows as you approach the speed of light.
4. Certain drugs will change your perception of time. (i.e. make it seem to speed up/slow down)
5. Life-threatening situations will slow down your perception of time (they did an experiment on it, though I don't quite have the patience now to explain it).
Here are some clips you can watch, and reading the books in this post will also give some more ways. The website that I had hinted at earlier was www.livescience.com, which would have given you some good answers (and possibly some extra credit points!)
EDIT: Congrats to Saffire Goldstone for having the best answer to the first ever question box! And providing wonderful links to articles and videos about time travel. Check it out!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pippin's Question Box
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Science Flash: Oil and Water Finally Mix! Gingerbread Men Aren't Worth Chasing!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Got Science?
Now, to the best part: Science! I apologize in advance if I'm a little random, but I'm just saying what comes to mind. I found a great, um, simile to magma bubbling away underneath the earth's crust: freshly baked and bubbling apple pie! What's your favorite biome? I did my project on temperate rain forest, but my personal favorite is marine. There's so much life in the ocean, especially coral reefs. If I had to choose a biome to live in, though, it would probably be in the temperate rain forest (Oregon/Northern California/Washington State) region. I visited the general (not the forest) area once on vacation, and it's really nice and cool. I know some would prefer a hotter climate like Southern California, but I prefer a mild cool that doesn't get too cold. The reason why that area doesn't experience extremes in temperature is because the mountains shelter the region from extremes in temperatures. The mountains also trap moist air masses from the ocean, thus the temperate rain forest. Okay, so I just read an article about anger. Apparently, certain people experience anger more than others. Here's a link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091130131326.htm. Here's another about loneliness (I knew I spelled it wrong, but it's fixed now): http://www.livescience.com/culture/091201-loneliness-spreads-friends.html How many people here like science? Just out of curiosity. And why? We're studying genetics soon, and I'm really excited. I have to wonder, though, when we are studying physics. Hmm.... Anyway, here's a random fact, courtesy of http://www.funology.com/ : Your brain is 80% water. Isn't that comforting to know? Oh well. And that's about it for today!