Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Got Science?

Peppermints, anyone? Speaking of which, does anyone want to hear the story of how I discovered peppermints help with stomachaches? Skip the story if you wish, but I'm going to try to make it as amusing as possible (in third person!)

Once upon a time, Pippin had a stomachache. Now, Pippin was used to having stomachaches, becuase Pippin's stomach loves to act up. The only problem was, besides having a stomachache, it was a fun day at school, the day before holiday break. This made Pippin very sad. So Pippin tried to figure out how to deal with the stomachache. First, Pippin played a game called alibi with Pippin's friends. It was extremely amusing, but after the last round when Pippin poured spaghetti in Pippin's friend's pants instead of jelly (we didn't really do it, you just have to say something ridiculous), Pippin's stomach decided that playtime was over. So Pippin stopped playing. Then, Pippin decided to think about nice thoughts and discuss stomachaches. The stomachache discussion made Pippin's nice thoughts turn into "my stomach hurts." Then, Pippin's classmates all had to go back to the classroom. Pippin read a book in the classroom, because books make you think about the characters, not the stomachache you have. The stomachache did not go away. Then Pippin remembered that Pippin's mom said that a bit of candy helped stomachaches for some odd reason. So, Pippin ate a half of a mini candy cane to see what would happen (and also because the fact that looking at people eating candy canes makes you want to eat one too) and Pippin's stomachache began to go away! Pippin quickly ate the other half of the candy cane, and the stomachache was almost gone!! By then, Pippin didn't mind the stomachache and pippinned happily every ever after.

Odd story, isn't it? Remind me never to write a story about yourself in third person again. Or say pippinned. Anyway, apparently peppermint relaxes your stomach or something like that. Sunnyd mentioned that ginger also helps, but I don't like drinking ginger tea because it tastes kind of spicy. I should have looked up natural cures for stomachaches a long time ago, I can't believe I never thought of it... but I'm going to carry peppermints in my pencil case from now on anyway. Are we allowed to eat peppermints in school?

Also, I left out some things I wanted to say in the microwave post. Did you know?....
-That dried pasta will explode in the microwave without water (my friend did that when she was little, and the microwave didn't work afterwards...)
-That boiled eggs will explode in the microwave (we've had several incidents... but the microwave still works!)
-That eggplant will explode if you roast (not microwaved, but it's still an exploding food fact) it without poking holes in it (apparently, my old music teachers still finds bits of eggplant in the oven)
-That I've run out of exploding food facts. Feel free to amuse others and comment your own microwave incidents/exploding foods facts

And... I forgot. No, I remember! Another comment topic: cures for common ailments (which would be beneficial for everyone) It can be more than stomachaches, so cold cures, coughing, etc. I'll start: Hot water with honey is one of the best remedies for any throat ailments/coughing, warms you up, and tastes good.

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