Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pippin's Question Box

What causes people to "blank out"? (best)

1 comment:

  1. I think that you blank out when you're under a lot of pressure. If you're really worried about something, then you might get really stressed, causing you to blank out. For example, when studying for a test/quiz, if you cram the night before and get stressed out because you need to get a really good grade on it, you'll probably forget everything you studied because you are under so much pressure. Also, if you're cramming, you'll probably be really sleepy, too. Or, you could have test/performance anxiety. This link isn't really about "blanking out", but it does talk about test/performance anxiety, which causes blanking out. I'm not really sure if it's relevant, but here's the link:

    Only part of the first page relates to this, but it's good to have a link.
