A science-loving high schooler's outlook on science, school, and whatever else comes to mind
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Got Science?
Okay, the last question box: I went and looked it up, and apparently there is a National Christmas Tree Association. According to their "Tree Facts," it can take 4 to 15 years to grow a Christmas tree, but the average time is 7 years. It's actually a really interesting website. According to them, artificial Christmas trees are much worse than real ones. The most interesting (and slightly disturbing) fact from their website is that the first artificial Christmas trees were made by a company that made... toilet bowl brushes! Yes, with the same materials and machinery as well. Puts a whole new light on Christmas trees, doesn't it? I certainly thought of our (artificial) Christmas tree a little differently after that. Very interesting website.
Poll: (well, not really) Which is better: real Christmas trees or fake Christmas Trees? Tell why if you wish as well.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Basic Genetics
Before I start looking at the rest of the website, here are the two (okay, four) interesting things I learned:
Traits are a quality or characteristic that we have, and our combination of different traits makes us unique. We get our traits from our parents, and we will pass them on in our children. While our DNA has instructions for our traits, we can easily have our traits changed by environmental factors. For instance, the "tour" said that our hair color can be changed by sunlight and hair dyes. I never really thought of using sunlight to change your hair color!
Being able to bend your thumb back is called the hitchhiker's thumb allele (uh-LEEL), an allele being a trait. Sadly, even though that ability seems cool, I cannot do bend back my thumb (or curl up my tongue).
When someone has two alleles, like one for a hitchhiker's thumb and one for a straight thumb, they interact. One, the "dominant" trait, dominates over the other one and is what people see (hence the name dominant). The "recessive" trait jumps out your ear, never to be seen again! No, it's still there, it's just, to use their word, "masked" by the other trait. Having two of the same allele for a trait is called homozygous, and having two different ones is called heterozygous. Apparently, traits can also combine, called "incomplete dominance"- so taking a red carnation and a white carnation could make a pink carnation.
When an egg cell and a sperm cell join, they form one cell called a zygote, which has all 46 chromosomes that cells usually have.
I don't quite understand this statement: "Traits influenced by just one gene are rare. These are called 'single gene traits' " Perhaps reading (and watching) some more will provide some enlightenment.Some big words (FYI animefreak44, these are hard to spell, not hard to understand):
DNA= Deoxyribonucleic Acid
The "alphabet" of DNA= A pairs with T, C pairs with G
I must explore the rest of the site, so I'll stop typing now.
EDIT: This assignment still isn't due, so I suppose it's okay to add stuff to it. :)
I haven't looked at everything because I've been spending time practicing piano and generally being lazy, but I did look at some other things.
I think that the extracting DNA experiment is pretty cool. We don't get to do much since the computer does most of it for you, but it made me remember the time when I got to extract DNA in real life (from some type of dried plant, I think) at a museum. The DNA looked like a bunch of white, whispy strands. Considering how small DNA is, I was surprised (well, shocked really) that we could see it at all. Sunnyd, are we going to get to extract DNA?
One of the other activities I tried was Mouse Party, which talked about the effects of drugs on the brain (of mice). The mice were kind of disturbing, but that's what taking bad drugs does to you. Anyway, drugs can really mess up your brain, and the "game" showed how the drugs disrupted certain recepters, causing the effects of the drug.
The last activity I tried had to do with genetic therapy, I believe. It was called Space Doctor, and you had to use gene therapy to treat your patients. I only got to treat one patient before I had to go eat dinner (yes, I'm typing this several days later) but I did get it right on the first try. Apparently, you insert genes into viruses (you have to be careful about the type of virus, though) and the newly-modified virus inserts the gene, or allele (see! I'm using vocabulary! Yay!) into the cell. The pictures of the aliens and their environments aren't that great, but it's certainly a cool activity.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Got Science?
1. Make an infinitely long spinning cylinder. This cylinder will warp space-time with it, so (I believe) every trip around this cylinder will make you go backwards in time. I don't quite get it, but I read it in a book.
2. From the same book, if you wanted to make a time machine, you could: using negative matter and stuff like that, make two... er... capsules (hard to explain and I read this book a long time ago) and string a wormhole between them (good luck doing that). Then, put one of them on a ship and send that ship zooming off at the speed of light. Time will go differently in each one, and so going in one capsule will send you back in time to the time when it was created (I'm not sure what is which).
3. Going at the speed of light will "stop" time for you, and time slows as you approach the speed of light.
4. Certain drugs will change your perception of time. (i.e. make it seem to speed up/slow down)
5. Life-threatening situations will slow down your perception of time (they did an experiment on it, though I don't quite have the patience now to explain it).
Here are some clips you can watch, and reading the books in this post will also give some more ways. The website that I had hinted at earlier was www.livescience.com, which would have given you some good answers (and possibly some extra credit points!)
EDIT: Congrats to Saffire Goldstone for having the best answer to the first ever question box! And providing wonderful links to articles and videos about time travel. Check it out!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pippin's Question Box
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Science Flash: Oil and Water Finally Mix! Gingerbread Men Aren't Worth Chasing!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Got Science?
Now, to the best part: Science! I apologize in advance if I'm a little random, but I'm just saying what comes to mind. I found a great, um, simile to magma bubbling away underneath the earth's crust: freshly baked and bubbling apple pie! What's your favorite biome? I did my project on temperate rain forest, but my personal favorite is marine. There's so much life in the ocean, especially coral reefs. If I had to choose a biome to live in, though, it would probably be in the temperate rain forest (Oregon/Northern California/Washington State) region. I visited the general (not the forest) area once on vacation, and it's really nice and cool. I know some would prefer a hotter climate like Southern California, but I prefer a mild cool that doesn't get too cold. The reason why that area doesn't experience extremes in temperature is because the mountains shelter the region from extremes in temperatures. The mountains also trap moist air masses from the ocean, thus the temperate rain forest. Okay, so I just read an article about anger. Apparently, certain people experience anger more than others. Here's a link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091130131326.htm. Here's another about loneliness (I knew I spelled it wrong, but it's fixed now): http://www.livescience.com/culture/091201-loneliness-spreads-friends.html How many people here like science? Just out of curiosity. And why? We're studying genetics soon, and I'm really excited. I have to wonder, though, when we are studying physics. Hmm.... Anyway, here's a random fact, courtesy of http://www.funology.com/ : Your brain is 80% water. Isn't that comforting to know? Oh well. And that's about it for today!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Got Science?
Splurging a little too much on Black Friday? A bigger Thanksgiving dinner can remedy that.
Pig out More at Thanksgiving and You May Shop Less
I only got to skim this (and most of the other articles) quickly, but it seems as though there is a specific molecule that says, "I'm full! No more turkey for me!"
Brain Sense Fatty Food: Molecule Shuts Down Food Intake And Turns On 'Siesta Mode'
Hmm... Chugging down your Thanksgiving Dinner seems to a double no-no this holiday season (and at every other instance.)
Eating Quickly Is Associated With Overeating, Study Indicates
What does pie have to do with Powerpoint presentations? I don't know, but this interesting article turned up when I looked up "pie" on science daily. It's holiday related by a stretch, isn't it? (okay, I admit, it isn't, but it's still cool!)
Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning?
Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Make sure you eat lots of food!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thoughts for the Week
"The history of any one part of the Earth, like the life of a soldier, consists of long periods of boredom and short periods of terror." British geologist Derek V. Ager (from Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything)
How long do erasable pens stay erasable? (if you didn't know, some do turn permament)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Got Science?
Welcome all! This week's lineup seems interesting, so let's check it out.
It's the BEASTIE!! No, it's not, but here is an article on taming the "beastie."
Child Psychology: Tips on Taming the 'Boogie Monster'
What will you be when you grow up? Kids are deciding earlier nowadays, maybe you should too.
Today's Children Decide Their School and Career Path Early http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091115123711.htm
It thinks for itself. (of course, this is about bugs. Again)
Bigger Not Necessarily Better, When It Comes to Brainshttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091117124009.htm
Guess what? The world isn't about to end, the Mayans were just going to celebrate another long cycle or something like that. Good thing that was cleared up.
'Doomsday' 2012 Prediction Explained: Mayan Calendar Was Cyclical
Ooh, ooh, this is the funniest thing about science: most of the really big discoveries in science is made... by accident!! There's this really great quote that goes something like, "The (best or something like that) phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...' " Anyway, they apparently found the perfect blue dye by just fiddling around with some materials.
Accidental Discovery Produces Durable New Blue Pigment for Multiple Applications
Out of all of them, I'd say that the Doomsday article is the best read, the blue pigment a close second. See you next week!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Science Thought For the Weekend 11/13
"In science, the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurred." Sir William Oster (1849-1919)
My first reaction was What a coincidence! The book I happen to be reading loves to point out that very fact- and I think that that is one of truest (and saddest) facts of science. For instance, in the book, A Short History of Nearly Everything (which I'm not done with yet) one very good example of credit not being given is the unlucky Gideon Mantell. This man was a doctor in practice, but an amazing (amateur) paleontologist as well. Here's a short bit of how unlucky this poor man was: his wife discovered a fossilized tooth, and taking it home to her husband who takes interest in this type of thing, Mantell immediately realized that this belonged to a new creature: something we now know as a dinosaur, but nobody knew at that time. After being cautioned by his friend (a rather eccentric person) to be careful as to how he presents this find, he spent three years trying to find evidence to support the fact that this belongs to a new type of very old creature. One expert in Paris said it was from a hippo, another researcher said it beloned to a lizard. Of course, during this time, the very friend who told Mantell to be careful went ahead and discovered a dinosaur himself, and is credited with the first published description of a dinosaur. Of course, this wasn't the least of Mantell's woes, but only one (and definitely not the worst). There are probably millions of tales like these because people weren't lucky enough to be the first, get published, attract attention, or even be alive when people finally realized the discovery's worth (that can happen with really big discoveries). Scientists, clearly, have to be people-smart, science-smart, and have a lot of luck to be successful.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Got Science?
Healthy ice cream? Well, I'm not sure whether I'd buy it, but it seems to be a good idea and some researchers seem to think so too. (Although I have to ask: why would a university have ice cream researchers in the first place? They explain it in the article, but still...)
Erm... This study was about bugs, everyone. Really!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Science Flash: A "Black Hole" for Light
Science Buzz: A Really Cool Website!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Science Flash: Protection for Coral Reefs
From: http://openphoto.net//volumes/dkeats/20050705/openphotonet_clownfish_fiji.jpg
The thing about coral reefs is: they're delicate, easy to kill, and take a long (millions of years) time to grow. If the temperature is a little higher or lower, or you accidently step on them, spill some chemicals, and a whole lot of other things, then a piece of coral can die as a result. They are incredibly diverse and beautiful, and having studied them for so long in second grade, I have a bit of an attachment to them. Anyway, they did some surveys, and found that the attitude of people towards coral reefs is that the reef comes first, and we should preserve them even if that means less revenue from the coral reefs. This is just amazing, but consider this: we can barely conserve our forests because we need the paper and timber. The equivalent of "paper and timber" for the coral reefs would be the large amount of money from the tourist industry. However, people agree that coral reefs are something to preserve, and say that if they can't visit it anymore, then they'd be fine with that. I am very, very happy about that, and that's about all I can say. (I know this is brief compared to what I usually do, but it's a simple article with a lot of meaning that's hard to express.) Perhaps our grandchildren and great-grandchildren may be able to witness the stunning beauty of the coral reefs after all.Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Got Science?
Does anyone get irritated at those stickers on fruit that you have to take off before you eat it? Has anyone eaten one of those by accident? (I haven't... yet) Now there seems to be a sticker-free and approved alternative to labeling grapefruit: lasers! Completely random if you ask me, but I suppose that there are scientists and companies out there that just can't stand stickers.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Science Class: Ecology
In class, we've been studying ecology, or the study of the relationships and interactions between living organisms and their environment. So, here are some vocabulary included in the first section (I know it's boring, but I need to study, so bear with me):
Environment: consists of all the non-living and living things in which an organism may interact.
Ecosystem: All the living and non-living things in a given area. The size of a ecosystem is defined by the ecologist studying it (e.g. a drop of pond water or an entire ocean- big difference there, but it's still up to the ecologist)
Ecologist: someone who studies ecology
Community: Consists of all the living organisms in an ecosystem
Population: A group of organisms of the same species (I think of it as the number of organisms of the same species)
Habitat: Where an organism lives.
Okay, now I will try to discuss this bit in an interesting and amusing manner. All of these technical definitions make my head spin, and it raises some questions: First, if the definition of an environment consists of all of the things that an organism may interact, then what about the things that an organism doesn't interact? Is there even such a thing that we can't interact with? (Dark matter doesn't count because a) nobody knows what it is and b) I don't get what it is!) Also, if an organism dies, is it still an "organism"? So is it taken for granted that organism in all of the definitions refers to a living organism? Are there even "official" definitions for all of these things? Anyway, there is an interesting website called "Kids Do Ecology" that I found. Here's a link: http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Some of it we learned, some of it we didn't. Apparently, ecology (from Greek) translates into "study of the household," so we are studying the "house" that we live in: Earth. There were also two new vocabulary words: abiotic factors, which are non-living factors, and biotic factors, which are living factors.
The next bit that we learned about were the different energy roles and food chains/webs. There are three main energy roles: producers, consumers, and decomposers. Producers produce their own food. The best example of this are plants: they take sun, air, water, and nutrients from the soil and photosynthesize to make food. However, in the ocean, the producers (surprisingly) aren't plants. Link time! http://kingfish.coastal.edu/biology/sgilman/770PlanktonBenthos.htm Annoyingly, while I did learn quite a bit from it, most of it I didn't get and it didn't answer my original question (which I will get to later). Interestingly, the producers in the ocean are phytoplankton, algae, and seaweed, but those are not plants! I honestly never knew that, I assumed they were plants. Interestingly, phytoplankton is generally not a major source of food. Algae, or mainly diatoms since they're slightly bigger, are eaten a lot. However, I wanted to know what were the producers at the bottom of the ocean, where no sunlight falls. I thought it was the tube worms that feed on sulfur from the vents. However, according to this webpage, http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/oceanography_recently_revealed1.html, it is actually bacteria that convert the sulfur into energy through a process called chemosynthesis. The bacteria live inside the vent worms, nourishing it. Okay, enough about ocean producers, we must move on. Consumers are organism that feeds directly or indirectly on another organism. There are four special types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and scavengers. Herbivores eat producers, carnivores eat consumers, omnivores eat everything, and scavengers eat dead organisms, which is usually meat but sometimes plants as well. However, isn't a scavenger a type of carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore? Also, if scavengers eat dead organisms, then how dead does it have to be? We are omnivores, but our food is most definately already deceased. Moving on! A food chain, by what the textbook says, is a series of events that transfers food and energy from one organism to another. I honestly hope we won't be tested on that specific definition. Food chains always (as we were taught) start with producers, then consumers, then the decomposers link the tail end to the front. An example would be: Grass -> Rabbit -> Fox-> Bacteria. However, shouldn't the resources that producers use be the start of the food chain? A food web is a bunch of interlinked food chains. Here is an example (I never knew uploading pictures could be so difficult):
From: http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/foodweb1.gif
The decomposers in this picture are very enthusiastic bacteria, so they have spelled out "Bacteria" and all of the arrows for you, but since they are microscopic, you can't see it. There are many food chains in this food web, like leaves -> mouse -> fox -> bacteria. Food chains are better than food webs for the survival of the community because removing one link in a chain will destroy the chain. However, if we remove one link in a web, then the web can adapt. For instance, if I removed leaves, then it will impact the web but not necessarily destroy it. Why? Because the mouse, which eats leaves, will eat more grasshoppers instead. The grasshoppers, which eat leaves and berries, will simply eat berries only. Of course, chances are the populations of a lot of organisms in this web will shift because of the removal of the leaves, but the web itself will survive. This is also a good time to introduce something else we learned in class: energy pyramids. The basic concept behind an energy pyramid is to show energy transfers and how the amount of energy available decreases as you go up the pyramid. To start, let's begin at the bottom: producers. Producers have the largest amount of energy because they make their own: of course they use some of it, but some of it also goes into the actual producer. Going with the food web above, let's put leaves at the bottom of our food web. Now, let's say a primary consumer, a mouse, comes and eats all of the leaves (let's say six to keep it simple) off of a plant. The plant got more energy than the mouse did because the mouse only got the energy in the plant. However, the plant doesn't just store energy, it also uses it. So, to make up fictional units of energy, let's say the plant received 1,000,000 pippins of energy in its lifetime. It used 990,000 of those pippins to grow, make more energy, and do whatever plants do. There's only 10,000 pippins in the actual plant, which the mouse eats. Therefore, the mouse gets 10,000 pippins from the plant. However, the mouse got eaten by a fox! Through this time, the mouse used up 9,900 pippins from the plant for running, finding more food, chatting with other mice, and doing whatever mice do. The fox only gets 10 pippins indirectly from the plant. Pretty small compared to the 1,000,000 pippins that the plant had!
Finally, the last section talks about different types of interactions, relationships, and adaptations. I am hoping to speed up this process, but I don't think that will happen. A niche is an organism's role in the environment-what it does, needs, where it lives, etc. Two species may not occupy the same niche at the same time because it would create enormous competition. It's like someone coming and saying that they'll be you for a day: you won't like that, and both of you would be competing to see who gets to be, well, you. Competition is when two or more organisms have to struggle (i.e. compete) against each other to get resources to survive. The driving force in competition is survival (but then again, doesn't that drive everything?). Organisms deal with competition by either adapting, dividing up the habitat (I'll eat this flower and you'll eat that flower), moving, reducing the competition, or if they cannot do any of these things, dying. Predation is the type of interaction is when an organism kills another organism for food, although this is a little fuzzy. The predator is the organism that eats the other, and the prey is the organism that's being eaten. However, I say that this is a little fuzzy because if you really pay attention to the wording, that means that almost everything besides producers are predators: after all, we eat dead plants, right? They are already picked and not alive by the time it gets on our plates. Of course, you don't necessarily have to kill to get food, like bees harvest nectar to get honey to eat, but most creatures don't consume things and keep it alive. Organisms can adapt to predators and vice-versa by adapting to run fast, grow hard shells, have different colors, etc. Finally, my favorite (because it's interesting): symbiosis. Symbiosis is a close relationship between two organisms in which one lives on, near, or in the other organism and at least one organism is harmed. There are three types: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism (they aren't usually listed in that order). Parasitism is the type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the other does not. The parasite benefits, the host does not. For instance, the strangler fig tree and the other tree that we saw in class the other day is an example of parasitism (yes, I'm just repeating what was said in class). The strangler fig tree sprouts in the canopy of the rainforest and grows downward, wrapping its roots around its host tree. The host tree, while not really "strangled," cannot grow any larger, and is slowly killed by the strangler fig tree by which point should have reached the ground. Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other is not affected- nothing good and nothing bad happens. For instance, ravens would hang around wolves because they can get a free meal when the wolves are done eating, since they leave scraps once they're done eating. I found a website that says that the symbiosis between a clownfish and an sea anemone is commensalism, but people could argue that it's mutualism because the clownfish gets protection and attracts prey for the sea anemone. (http://www.owc.org.mn/econet/html/commensalism.htm) Mutualism is when both organisms benefits. For instance, an interesting example that I learned from when I was in second grade was a sea anemone and a crab- that is, the sea anemone rides on the crab. I won't tell why it's mutualism, it's a puzzle for anyone out there to figure out. Another type (we studied the ocean really in-depth in second grade) is coral and algae. The algae is safe inside the coral, which is the benefit for the algae, and the algae provides important resources for the coral. While I did learn this in second grade, here's a link for further reading: http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/kits/corals/coral02_zooxanthellae.html.
Wow, that took a really long time! In ecology overall, though, I find myself thinking a lot about the stuff I learned from second grade, the magic school bus series, and all those science videotapes that I had to watch. I didn't really think I knew much, but there seems to be random facts in the corners of my brain that pop up all the time. It's definitely been quite interesting.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Science Flash: Dark Matter Even More Complicated?
The next paragraph then is basically what I said in my first paragraph, but to illustrate my point of what I was saying earlier, here are some citations: It says that "only 4% of the universe is made of known material," which means there's a lot of unknown stuff (gases, stars, quasars, and all of that doesn't count as "unknown") in the universe. It also says that "a solid understanding of dark matter as well as direct evidence of its existence has remained elusive," which basically means they flat out don't know what dark matter is and can't really prove that there is "dark matter" at all.
After that, we really start getting into the hard part of the article. It says that the team researching this thinks that the interactions (but remember, we walk through the stuff all the time without even knowing we are, so this is pretty significant) between normal matter and dark matter "could be more important and more complex than previously thought," or that dark matter isn't just keeping our galaxies together, it could be doing other things as well- or it might not even exist at all, it could be a new force. Dr. Benoit Famaey basically explains, as I see it, that dark matter is doing an intricate balancing act throughout the entire universe, and that the dark matter "acts" in a way that it seems to "know" where the visible matter in the universe. Dr. Zhao allows us to visualize it by saying that it's like going to a zoo with all sorts of animals at different ages and finding that they all have the same backbone weight- so an elephant and a monkey have the same backbone weight. In the universe, even though all the galaxies are like different animals that are at different ages, they seem to all have the "fingerprints" of an "invisible fifth force." Then, it says that this force might solve a mystery I mentioned earlier: dark energy (We're just back to square one). Of course, if you aren't sastified with that craziness, they also say that it could also lead to a revision and a whole new outlook of gravity (quick history: Newton discovered gravity, Einstein revised it to make it better.) I can't quite grasp this (if anyone who knows physics can explain, I'd be very grateful) because, from what I know about the universe, it's hard enough to grasp the size of the universe (let's just say it's so incredibly big I've given up trying to imagine it), let alone what's in it. My opinion summed up on all of this: it's all mind-boggling, really complicated, and immensely bizarre craziness! That's why I like it.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Got Science?
Do you agree that clean smells (or Windex) make you behave better? If it were me, and I was sitting in a room full of Windex, I'd be rather irritated because artificial smells like Windex and perfume make my nose feel funny.
Why would clean smells make people behave better? It doesn't have to be a serious or correct explanation, it's just what you think. Of course, if it were me, I'd say that.... never mind.
Just to make this clear, this article is for people to use for their current events. In other words, I was too lazy to type up my opinion and a summary and all of that for this article, but it was too interesting to pass by. (Okay, okay, it was really because Sunnyd asked me to, but I was lazy too!) It's relatively easy to relate to, doesn't have a whole lot of neurology or the stuff that I usually like, and invites those "Ooh, once there was this time when..." kind of stories that are great for supporting your opinion and connecting them to real life. This is not one of my current events articles, it's for you.
I'm not going to elaborate on these links in great detail, but I'msure someone will be interested in these:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thoughts For the Weekend- 10/16 and 10/23
How close to the ceiling does a fly have to be before he flips over and lands on the ceiling?
I highly doubt that a fly (or any living organism) can sustain flying upside for any period of time, so the fly probably has to be really, really close and just grab the ceiling, or it could do a sort of miniature loop-de-loop manuever and land on the ceiling at the peak of the loop.
Who tastes dog food when it has a 'new & improved' flavor?
If you ask me, the "new and improved flavor" is just an advertising ploy. Dry dog food is dry dog food, and I don't think dogs really care about tiny differences in the flavor of dog food- unless it's some good old meat, it isn't anything special. Of course, maybe there are actual people who would go through testing the dog food, but "improved" is a relative term and anything put out there can be called "new." My mom suggested that perhaps they do testing in which they put two different types of dog food out for a dog, and the dog would choose what it wants to eat, but again, dogs can't really communicate its opinions of the food, and it probably doesn't matter to them anyways.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Science Book, Take a Look: Going Nuts?
First, read all the quotes that the chapter starts out with. You probably should for all books, but these are really interesting (same goes for the Michio Kaku books, he has some awesome quotes in there).
Second, read all the author's notes at the end of the chapter. There are hidden goodies in there that are definately worth reading, especially in Chapter 18.
Third, and this goes for most of the books I would put up, this is not a quick read. It is a book written for adults, and while it's not super long, it definately needs you to take your time and read it. If you need a book for Lit, don't read this just for the 10 points- or rather, read a fantasy book for the 10 points and read this for the sake of reading (which you should be doing in the first place).
Fourth, I have a question that I would be very grateful if someone could answer: this book has an entire chapter devoted to Sherlock Holmes, his possible drug addiction, and how he probably visited Dr. Sigmund Freud during the three years that he "disappeared." So, considering that Sigmund Freud existed and real people don't really get visits from fictional characters all that often, was Sherlock Holmes real? Kokopelli1015 said that Sherlock Holmes didn't, but that makes everything make less sense. Not that I don't believe Kokopelli1015, but if you happen to read the book or just know about Sherlock Holmes, feel free to share your opinion on this topic (or anything in the book).
Monday, October 19, 2009
Science Book, Take A Look: "Real" Science Fiction!
Here are two (non-fiction) books worth reading:
I put these two books together because they have a bit of an overlap in what they talk about. Physics of the Impossible is primarily about "impossible" technologies. He classifies them into three groups: class one, or something possible in the next couple of centuries, class two, something that's possible but is so far away that it's basically science fiction to us (well, it all seems like sci-fi anyways) and class three, or the truly impossible (although only two things, telling the future and perpetual motion machines, fall into this category). Of course, being the co founder of string theory, he likes to talk quite a bit about the awe-inspiring "theory of everything," aka string theory or M-theory. However, this is primarily about the "impossible"- time travel, invisibility, force fields, and other things that seem magic to us. For those who like Star Trek (I never saw it), he also makes a lot of references to Star Trek as well. I highly recommend this to people who like science-fiction: it's just as weird, but true as well!
Parallel Worlds delves deeper into the "theory of everything" and all the strings (string theory, get it?) attached. He discusses parallel universes, quantum mechanics, baby universes, and of course, string, or rather, M-theory. (Just to clear things up, the "theory of everything" is like the holy grail of physics. M-theory, the m standing for membrane, is the latest version of string theory, which people hope is the new theory of everything.) This is just as bizarre and a little harder to grasp than Physics of the Impossible, so I recommend you read Physics of the Impossible first if you are interested in both of them. This book's bizarreness comes from all of those wacky theories. For instance, just as a little taste, quantum mechanics can imply that there is a slight probability that we could suddenly disappear and reappear on Mars from the uncertainty principle- thankfully, the probability of this is so small that you'd have to wait longer than the lifetime of the universe for this to happen, so saying that your homework disappeared due to the uncertainty principle is not a reasonable excuse for not having your homework.
Overall, these two books are very, very interesting- but two warnings: first, don't read them one after the other, but put a book in between. They have quite a bit of an overlap in material, so while the info will sink in better the next time, it will be repetitive. Also, don't read too much of this stuff: it gave me a weird dream about disappearing into a parallel universe, and I've been wondering about parallel universes and how we would tell the difference between a parallel universe where we originated from and one where the only difference is something like a butterfly not existing- good food for thought, but still really creepy.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Science Flash: Flies with Fake Flashbacks?
In the article, they also discuss an interesting point that I find is worthwhile to contemplate: intelligence from something, well, non-intelligent: "the physical interactions between cells and molecules." What they mean is that all of our "intelligence" can be reduced to what happens between our neurons- the capability to create memories, have thoughts, and carry out other advanced functions. So, in a sense, I can type this article because of the reactions and interactions between the neurons in my brain. I think it's kind of like how the computer can do all of the things it does from 1's and 0's, or how we can form so many words from the letters of the alphabet- creating complex things from simple materials. Still, my question is: if we messed with those "physical interactions," would that mean we are messing with our brains?
For now, scientists are only creating false memories in flies, so there's no need to worry about whether our memories are genuine or not- although we create false ones ourselves anyways. (I would launch into a story about an online lecture I heard a bit of while doing research for a memory presentation, but I'm afraid I'll put some unwary person to sleep). While the thought of controlling minds scares me, this discovery still excites me: after all, we are just beginning to tap into the power of our minds. Who knows what people will discover in the field of neurology?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Literature: Why are people mean to each other?
I believe man is mean to each other because of two reasons: competition and insecurities. First off, competing for survival is an animal instinct that forces us to be aware of our resources, and figure out ways to get them before other people do. Of course, nowadays, most people don't have to compete as vigorously for resources, but it still exists. So, people bully each other to get want they want. It's like the id we're learning about in social studies. People will do anything to satisfy their needs, and don't care about others. For instance, Jack in Lord of the Flies starts to care about nothing but the "hunt," and feels no responsibility for the fire, or the littluns, or the other things that have to get done that don't get done. Also, people do it to relieve themselves of their insecurities: guilt, doubt, regret, worry, stress, etc. Everyone has them: we all regret things, worry about things, but we can usually handle these things. However, when they start to eat at us, people react differently. Some may find ways to deal with it, others do something about it, while others may have more negative reactions: breakdowns, depression, or putting on to someone else's shoulders: the blame game, violence, etc. This is when humanity starts becoming inhuman. For example, Jack in Lord of the Flies probably knows that he needs to be responsible, listen to Piggy and Ralph's reason, and start thinking about things other than the hunt. However, he doesn't: and he probably feels a bit of doubt about that. He deals with it by hating Piggy because Piggy has reason and is a thinker. We also see in one of the meetings that he starts acting violently, fighting with Piggy and hitting him in the stomach. I think that these reasons are why people are mean to each other. However, we can't stop being mean to each other because it is caused by fundamental flaws in human nature: we will always have insecurities, we will always have to compete for ways to survive, and unless we can find more efficient (and nicer) ways to deal with this problems as a whole, bullying will continue to happen. It's part of humanity today, and it won't disappear unless mankind addresses it as a whole.
Literature: Summer Reading
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Science Flash: The Nocebo Effect
The Flip Side of Placebos: The Nocebo Effect
The placebo effect is when something happens, like taking medicine, and we think that we will get better, and we do, even if the medicine wasn't real. It's like fooling yourself into getting better. In fact, placebo in Latin means, "I shall please," as the article says. However, the opposite of this is the nocebo effect, or "to do harm" in Latin.
The article says that "A nocebo response occurs when the suggestion of a negative effect of an intervention leads to an actual negative outcome." In other words, when someone says something negative, like "That flu shot is going to hurt really badly," then the flu shot will seem to hurt really badly. Also, the negative effects will usually be related to the drug taken, like if the "doctor" says it's likely to cause nausea, then a lot of people will say, "I'm feeling sick." Basically, it's mind over matter in a negative way.
Nobody really knows why the placebo and nocebo effect works. There are probably dozens of theories, but any of them could be right- or wrong. One explanation that the article mentions is that perhaps the worry caused by all the warnings causes the brain to issue certain commands, causing, for instance, pains in the stomach. Another explanation of the (positive) placebo effect is that it evokes certain chemicals, starting the body's own "health-care system," as they say. I think that perhaps the real explanation will be a combination of the two. After all, our thoughts do influence our body. For example, there was a documentary about stress that explained how it can cause numerous health problems. For instance, stomach ulcers were originally thought to be caused by stress. However, they later discovered that it was actually a type of bacteria that caused it, to the great relief of many doctors (an amusing clip goes something like this: "Doc, my stomach really hurts." After diagnosing the patient with stomach ulcers, the doctor, faced with the fact that stress caused them, says, "How's your attitude lately?.... You need to work on your attitude." The patient replies, "I should work on finding a new doctor.") After more research many years later, though, they find that stress causes the body to halt or slow down certain functions, since stress was originally the "flee for your life!" response. One of those functions is repairing the stomach wall (after all, if a lion is after you, you don't really care about your stomach lining at the moment) and chronic stress would, in turn, greatly weaken the stomach wall, causing it to be vulnerable to bacteria and ulcers. So, mind over body really is a genuine thing that we should consider.
Mind over matter is an interesting topic, but what do we do when we don't want our "mind" to rule over our body? The article offers a simple solution: placebo and nocebo is simply a trick of the mind. To outwit it, we must be aware of the effects: in other words, it's "mind over mind."